Opening Hours: Mon - Sat : 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM, Sunday Closed


+91 8074232119

Counselling & Mental Health

Specialized Physical Health of Individual

Pranamitra provides personalized healthcare by creating custom plans for fitness, breathing, and lifestyle. These plans help improve your physical and mental health through:

1. Health assessments
2. Exercise routines
3. Breathing exercises
4. Diet and lifestyle advice

The service focuses on improving your overall well-being with ongoing support.

Psychological Condition of Mind

Pranamitra helps with mental health by offering:

  • Stress relief through breathing and meditation
  • Emotional support for better balance
  • Mindfulness to improve focus and calm the mind

The goal is to improve your mental well-being.


Transform your life with Pranamitra's holistic yoga and meditation practices, designed to enhance your physical and mental well-being.

Get In Touch

Swarna Prabha Complex,
11/2 Arundelpet,


+91 8074232119

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